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Dear sportsmen and sportswomen, due to the current developments around the “Corona Virus” we have to postpone the “16th Int. Patricks Bunny Open 2020” to a later dateTo which date exactly, we cannot say yet. Of course you will get your paid entry fee back. We will try to organize the tournament in May, provided…
egistration is open from 07 January 2023 10:00a.m.————-Le iscrizioni sono aperte dal 07 gennaio 2023 alle ore 10:00.————-Die Anmeldung ist ab 07. Januar 2023 ab 10:00 Uhr geöffnet————-La inscripción está abierta a partir del 07 de enero de 2023 a las 10:00 horas.————-Регистрация открыта с 07 января 2023 года в 10:00 утра. >>>> Registration >>>
MAXIMILLIAN LECHNERwins the 16. Int. Patricks -Bunny-Open 2019 tournament for the second time in a row.Congratulation. DIANA STATECNY wins the 16. Int. Patricks-Bunny-Open Tournament for the first time. Congratulation. >>> Ranking >>>
We are pleased that the revision of the schedule for our female participants has only allowed us to play in the main competition as in the women’s competition. The number of participants will be increased to a maximum of 32. 8 groups of 4 athletes.Round RobinRace to 4 The winner of the group qualifies for…
Dear sportsmen and sportswomen, due to the current developments around the “Corona Virus” we have to cancel the “17th Int. Patricks Bunny-Open 2020” for this year. Stay healthy and hopefully we will see you again in 2021. With sporty greetings Bunny OpenOrganization Team________________________________________________________________________ Liebe Sportlerinnen und Sportler, aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um den „Corona…
All athletes who have registered for the “Patricks Bunny Open 2022” and have not sent the payment by April 5 will not be considered as participants in the draw.——————————————————Alle Sportler die sich zum “Patricks Bunny Open 2022” angemeldet haben und bei denen bis zum 5. April kein Zahlungseingang vorhanden ist, werden bei der Auslosung NICHT…