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Dear participants of the “Patricks-Bunny-Open 2022”Until Monday 16:00 o’clock, all game times and draws will be published here.Due to last-minute cancellations and changes, there are always delays in the creation of the draw and the schedule.Please be patient a little longer.___________________________________________________________ Cari partecipanti del “Patricks-Bunny-Open 2022”.Fino alle 16:00 di lunedì, tutti i tempi e i…
Announcements possible from 15-01-2024 onwards: 10:00a.m.————-Annunci possibili dal 15-01-2024 in poi: 10:00.————-Die Anmeldung ist ab 15. Januar 2024 ab 10:00 Uhr geöffnet————-Anuncios posibles a partir del 15-01-2024: 10:00 horas.————-Прийом заявок можливий з 15-01-2024 року: 10:00 утра. >>>> Registration >>>
The “Int. Patricks Bunny-Open” is a Pool Billiard Tournament for Women and Men. The Prizefound for both Tournament € 15.000,- Men € 13.000,- guaranteed Women € 2.000,- guaranteed men max 192 participants Women max 16 participants more see Announcement >>>
MAXIMILLIAN LECHNERwins the 16. Int. Patricks -Bunny-Open 2019 tournament for the second time in a row.Congratulation. DIANA STATECNY wins the 16. Int. Patricks-Bunny-Open Tournament for the first time. Congratulation. >>> Ranking >>>
The draw and the game times are online. We are looking forward to your arrival. Please note that you should be present at least 30 minutes before the start of the game. On Friday and Saturday there will be a short players meeting where all rules will be explained. We wish all participants a pleasant…
Attention!! Due to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) it is an obligation for all athletes to register to the new database. Excluded from this registration rule are Austrian Players who do hold an official and valid Austrian Players License. They can use their login details Achtung!! Aufgrund der neuen Datenschutzgrundverordnung muss sich jeder…