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All athletes who have registered for the “Patricks Bunny Open 2022” and have not sent the payment by April 5 will not be considered as participants in the draw.——————————————————Alle Sportler die sich zum “Patricks Bunny Open 2022” angemeldet haben und bei denen bis zum 5. April kein Zahlungseingang vorhanden ist, werden bei der Auslosung NICHT…

Day One of the Tournament
On the first day of the tournament there was a great atmosphere. The schedule could be kept to within 15 minutes. Here you can watch the games from table 17-22 in a live stream.

Announcements possible from 15-01-2024 onwards:
Announcements possible from 15-01-2024 onwards: 10:00a.m.————-Annunci possibili dal 15-01-2024 in poi: 10:00.————-Die Anmeldung ist ab 15. Januar 2024 ab 10:00 Uhr geöffnet————-Anuncios posibles a partir del 15-01-2024: 10:00 horas.————-Прийом заявок можливий з 15-01-2024 року: 10:00 утра. >>>> Registration >>>

Registration 2023 OPEN !
egistration is open from 07 January 2023 10:00a.m.————-Le iscrizioni sono aperte dal 07 gennaio 2023 alle ore 10:00.————-Die Anmeldung ist ab 07. Januar 2023 ab 10:00 Uhr geöffnet————-La inscripción está abierta a partir del 07 de enero de 2023 a las 10:00 horas.————-Регистрация открыта с 07 января 2023 года в 10:00 утра. >>>> Registration >>>

Hybler – Gutenberger – Stateczny -Gaspar, The names of the winners
Great billiards sport was on show at the “Patricks Bunny Open 2022”. After 3 days and a total of over 200 registered participants in the main event and the ladies event, the winners were determined.More information and photos, we will put online in the next few days. MAIN EVENT:1. Roman Hybler CZE2. Daniel Gutenberger AUT3….

Patricks Bunny Open 2022 comes back
The “Int. Patricks Bunny Open 2022” will take place again in the year 2022, from 15-17 April.Registration is open on 15. January 2022 from 10:00 a.mWe are looking forward to a great tournament after such a long break due to Covid-19. >>>> Registration >>>>